Tradition | Excellence | Opportunity

Founded in 1856.
The Grey Vision
Grey remains as one of the leading schools in the country, with a culture and value system that support its fine heritage.
Grey is recognised for its competitiveness and excellence in academic, sporting and cultural activities, as well as for its ability to consistently produce leaders.
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Daily Bell TImes

Morning Afternoon
Rising Bell 06:10 Showers 17:15 – 17:45
Showers 06:10 – 06:30 Supper 18:00 – 18:30
Inspection Breakfast 06:40 – 06:50 1st Prep 18:45 – 19:30
06:50 – 07:20 2nd Prep 19:40 – 20:25
Out of Boarding House 07:40 3rd Prep 20:35 – 21:20
1st Break – (Tea for all Students) 10:15 – 10:30 Tea 21:25 – (Tea for all students)
Lunch 14:10 -14: 30 Juniors 21:40 In bed
21:45 Lights out
Out of Dormitories 14:45 Seniors 22:10 In bed
22:15 Lights out
Dormitories Open 16:30 Matrics 22:30 In bed