Tradition | Excellence | Opportunity
Founded in 1856.
The Grey Vision
Grey remains as one of the leading schools in the country, with a culture and value system that support its fine heritage.
Grey is recognised for its competitiveness and excellence in academic, sporting and cultural activities, as well as for its ability to consistently produce leaders.
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Academic Support
The Learning Support Co-ordinator, School Counsellor, Grade Heads and Subject Teachers (especially those tasked with the responsibility of Academic Support) work together to facilitate sound communication and co-operation between all those involved in teaching, monitoring progress and meeting students’ needs.
Support classes in English, Afrikaans and Mathematics Grades 8 – 12 and support classes in Physical Sciences, Accounting, Life Sciences and EGD for Grades 10 – 12.
To assist students in their studies
by trying to eliminate barriers to learning
providing a safe place to learn and question,
in small groups with a high level of individual participation.
What are the barriers to learning?
- Inadequate English skills
- Poor time management
- Learning difficulties and disabilities
- Lack of concentration
- Lack of prior learning
- Lack of motivation
- Previous failure
- Lack of self-confidence
- Poor organisational skills
- Low self-esteem
Whom can we help?
Newcomers to the school who lack the requisite English language skills or who have not covered certain sections of the curriculum
Students who display weaknesses in their English or Afrikaans language or basic Mathematics skills
Students who are experiencing learning difficulties in any of the subjects mentioned above
Students with Special Education Needs
Students who have missed days of school due to illness or sports tournaments
How is assistance provided?
Assistance is provided in the form of Academic Support.
General aid includes:
Specialised reading programme
Small group tuition in English Language, Writing and Comprehension
Select small groups in Mathematics
Assistance with personal organisation
Development of self-confidence, self-motivation and self-esteem
Who is considered for Academic Support?
- Students who have not passed the previous grade
- Students who display additional learning difficulties
- Students who have been identified as requiring additional assistance after a professional assessment by an Educational Psychologist
- Students who are referred by the School Counsellor, their Subject Teacher or Grade Head
- Students who participate fully in their normal classes, regularly do homework and generally co-operate in the classroom, but still fail to achieve results compatible with their ability
The Academic Support Programme
This Programme offers support to students, most particularly in the subject areas of English, Afrikaans, Mathematics, Accounting, Physical Science, Life Sciences and EGD. The intensity of the Programme differs from student to student, and depends on the amount of time allowed by the formal curriculum of the Grade as well as on the student’s own intra- and extra-curricular commitments.
Students are encouraged to develop skills that aid academic progress.
Students attend extra classes in the afternoons, under the guidance of the English Department. Support is given for comprehension literature studies and writing skills.
Afrikaans Academic Support lessons are given to certain students who have missed out completely on their grounding in Afrikaans, due to relocation, as well as to any student who is underachieving in Afrikaans in spite of his full co-operation being given at all times. The lessons are remedial in nature and will often NOT address work that is currently being taught in class. Any student who does experience difficulty in Afrikaans needs to approach his class Afrikaans Teacher who will then either refer him to the Academic Support Co-ordinator or offer alternative advice.
Mathematics Academic Support lessons are given to certain students who have been identified as Special Education Needs students, as well as to any student who is underachieving in Mathematics in spite of his full co-operation being given at all times. The lessons cannot be considered as “extra Maths lessons” available to all students in the school. In fact, the lessons are remedial in nature and will often NOT address work that is currently being taught in class. Any student who does experience difficulty in Mathematics needs to approach his class Mathematics Teacher who will then either refer him to the Academic Support Co-ordinator or offer alternative advice.
Accounting, Physical Sciences, Life Sciences and EGD
These Support lessons are typically given to certain students in Grades 10 – 12 who are underachieving in that subject in spite of their full co-operation being given at all times. There have been some lessons for Grade 9 boys in Accounting. Any student who does experience difficulty in one of these subjects needs to approach his class subject teacher who will then either refer him to the Academic Support Co-ordinator or offer alternative advice.
Tests & Forms of Assessment
There are no formal tests or forms of assessment set in the Academic Support Programme as all assessing is done by the relevant Subject Departments.
NOTE: It must be understood that the numbers of students who can be admitted to the Academic Support Programme is limited, and that students will be admitted at the discretion of the school.