Tradition | Excellence | Opportunity

Founded in 1856.
The Grey Vision
Grey remains as one of the leading schools in the country, with a culture and value system that support its fine heritage.
Grey is recognised for its competitiveness and excellence in academic, sporting and cultural activities, as well as for its ability to consistently produce leaders.
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Standing Orders


1. All cadets will be in full cadet uniform and parade every Tuesday unless an official anouncement to the contrary is made.
2. All cadets to form up in their respective squadrons within FIVE MINUTES of the trumpets being sounded. Late comers to report to their CSM. Any pupil unable to participate is to report to the Mosenthal Pavilion.
3. In the event of rain on a Tuesday, cadets will be postponed to the Thursday, pupils to bring books for period 3. Cadet uniform must still be worn on Tuesday.


4. Any cadet who cannot participate because of illness or injury is to form up in front of the Mosenthal Pavilion where a note or doctor’s certificate must be presented. Letters to be addressed to the Officer Commanding CD 33.
These letters will be filed and a record kept of cadet periods missed.
5. Full cadet uniform must still be worn.
6. Cadets not in possession of a note must report to their normal squadron venues.


7. When wearing a beret, a cadet will salute all officers, staff and any adult in the school grounds. This is the only suitable greeting while in uniform.


8. Cadet shirt, shorts with belt, beret, rugby socks and school shoes. Officers and NCO’s wear brown boots, white anklets and hose tops. SO’s may wear sam browns.
9. Only grey jerseys may be worn, but may not be worn during the cadet period itself. No white or khaki jerseys will be permitted.
10. A blazer and school tie must be worn to and from school. Usually no ties will be worn during cadet periods, and the shirt sleeves will be rolled up to above the elbow. Should there be an occasion when the ties are worn, sleeves will be rolled down.
11. Berets are only to be worn during the cadet period. Cadet uniform will be worn by all pupils throughout the school day. No-one may change into other clothing before the end of normal school hours.
12. No track suits will be tolerated.


13. Any officer, SO, WO or NCO is entitled to place a cadet on extra parade for a genuine breach of discipline.
14. Extra parade will be held on Friday afternoons for an hour 15 minutes after the bell, on the Pollock Field. Cadets’ names must appear on the Cadet notice board by Thursday.
15. The parade must be commanded by a SO or WO, assisted by a NCO, all appointed by the RSM. Rifles may be carried but only normal drill may be performed. On no account may this become a PT session. The RSM is res posible and should attend where possible to ensure strict discipline.
16. Extra parade is like detention and takes precedence over other activities. Proper disciplined behaviour during cadets is the only recommended solution. Should a cadet miss extra parade, he will be placed in two extra parades, starting the next week. All queries and explanations must be directed to the RSM.


17. Any cadets who infringe dress regulations will be placed on Dress Parade to be held on the Thursday of the same week as the infringement. These pupils will be required to wear cadet uniform for the whole day. This will take place on the Pollock Field 10 minutes after the bell for the end of the day. The RSM will appoint a SO or WO to inspect the defaulters.
18. Squadron CSM’s are to collect names of any defaulters and hand these names to the RSM before the end of cadets. Pupils whose names are taken will be informed verbally of the dress parade at the time of taking their names, and their names will be placed on the cadet notice board before second break on Wednesday. Ignorance of this is no excuse. Defaulters who do not attend will be placed on Extra Parade the following week.


19. Cadet periods may not become PT sessions and any rank bearer found to be guilty of this may be suspended or demoted. However, rank bearers will be given the respect they deserve at all times. Any breach of these orders will be seen in a serious light.