Tradition | Excellence | Opportunity

Founded in 1856.
The Grey Vision
Grey remains as one of the leading schools in the country, with a culture and value system that support its fine heritage.
Grey is recognised for its competitiveness and excellence in academic, sporting and cultural activities, as well as for its ability to consistently produce leaders.
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Subject Head
Ryan Laurie: BA (HMS), PGCE (NMMU), BEd (Hons) (Cum Laude) (NMMU)
Click here to email Ryan Laurie.

Benji Ekron
Click here to email Benji Ekron.

Corbyn Dolley
Click here to email Corbyn Dolley.

Francois Holder
Click here to email Francois Holder.

Jarryd Cooke
Click here to email Jarryd Cooke.

Jason Bigara
Click here to email Jason Bigara.

Melissa Riordan
Click here to email Melissa Riordan.

Michele Bezuidenhout: BA, HDL (PU for CHE)
Click here to email Michele Bezuidenhout.

Siya Denga: BA (NMMU)
Click here to email Siya Denga.

What is Life Orientation?

Life Orientation deals with the holistic development of the student throughout his childhood and adolescent years. It is the study of the self in relation to others and to society and is concerned with the personal, social, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, motor and physical growth and development of students, and the way in which these dimensions are interrelated and expressed in life. Life Orientation guides and prepares students for life, and for its responsibilities and possibilities. It is an inter-disciplinary subject that draws on and integrates knowledge, values, skills and processes embedded in various disciplines such as Sociology, Psychology, Political Science, Human Movement Science, Labour Studies and Industrial Studies. It equips students to solve problems, to make informed decisions and choices, and to take appropriate actions to enable them to live meaningfully and successfully in a rapidly-changing society.

This is a compulsory subject which is internally assessed with the exception of the Common Tasks for Assessment (CTA) at the end of Grade 9. No external examinations are written in the Grade 12 year. Life Orientation is a half course i.e. it counts 10 points in the Grade 12 year.


The aim of Life Orientation is to enable the student to:

  • Make informed decisions regarding personal, community and environmental health
  • Demonstrate an understanding and a commitment to constitutional rights and responsibilities, and to show an understanding of diverse cultures and religions
  • Use acquired life skills to achieve and extend personal potential to respond effectively to challenges in his world
  • Demonstrate an understanding of, and participate in, activities that provide movement and physical development
  • Make informed decisions about further studies and to future career choices.

Brief Policy

The Life Orientation Department strives to provide the young men with real-life experiences in managing their own life in a well-informed and responsible manner. The approach to assessment is an integration of both practice and theory in an effort to equip the young men with the necessary experience, knowledge, life skills and values to enable them to optimize their potential in a democratic and dynamic society.

Tests and Examinations

The Controlled Tests (Term 1), June examinations (Term 2) and Final examinations (Term 3) are all internally set and moderated. All Grades write all three examinations except for the Grade 9’s who do the Common Tasks for Assessment (CTA’s) in place of the Final Examination. No external examination is written in the Grade 12 year.

Educational Resources


Electronic career field of interest analysis
Information regarding career and study opportunities

Personality analysis

Career field determination

Aptitude testing

Grade 9 for subject choice and suitable career pathing

Case studies

Newspaper and magazine articles, DVDs, videos, movies, Internet websites

Career information

University presentations and brochures

Grade 8 Information


Health Promotion

Nutrition, personal hygiene, abuse, healthy lifestyles, sexuality, diseases, HIV and AIDS, Safety etc

Social Development

SA constitution, National symbols, diverse cultures, religious and social relationships

Personal Development

Self-concept formation, emotions, coping skills and relationships

Physical Development and Movement

Perceptual motor development, sport and games, gymnastics, physical growth and development, recreation and play

Orientation to the World of Work

Information gathering, planning skills, self knowledge, general work and further study and work ethics

Tests and Forms of Assessment

Task: collage, scale of strengths and weaknesses, changes and goal-setting

Standardised Test
Anaerobic exercise: project
Summer Sport Evaluation

June Examination
Combined Life Orientation and Arts and Culture Project- Career in the Arts
Winter Sport Evaluation
HIV/AIDS Studies

Final Examination


“Skills for Life”, J van der Walt (Ed). 2000. Nolwazi Publishers. ISBN: 1 919762 48 5

Grade 8 Orientation Notes

Grade 9 Information


Health Promotion

Nutrition, personal hygiene, abuse, healthy lifestyles, sexuality, diseases, HIV and AIDS, Safety etc

Social Development

SA constitution, National symbols, diverse cultures, religious and social relationships

Personal Development

Self-concept formation, emotions, coping skills and relationships

Physical Development and Movement

Perceptual motor development, sport and games, gymnastics, physical growth and development, recreation and play

Orientation to the World of Work

Information gathering, planning skills, self knowledge, general work and further study and work ethics

Tests and Forms of Assessment

Task: Down Syndrome

Standardised Test

Aerobic Exercise Project
Summer Sport Evaluation
June Examination
Curriculum Vitae
Career Brochure Project
Aptitude tests
Winter Sport Evaluation

Common Task for Assessment (CTA)


“Life Orientation for the New Nation – Grade 9 Student’s Book”. Swart, Craig, Müller, Kriek, Lotz, Gillmer and Pote.
Afro Publishers, May 2001. ISBN 1-86896-102-8

Grade 10 Information


Personal Well-being

Self-awareness and self-esteem
Life roles
Sexuality and life style choices
Power and power relations

Responsible Citizenship

Contemporary social/environmental issues
Diversity, discrimination and human rights violations
Democratic structures
Major religions

Recreation and physical well-being

Physical, mental and socio-emotional health
Participation in games and sport
Sport and media
Environmentally responsible outdoor activity

Study, Career Fields and Career Pathing

Self-awareness and socio-economic factors
Job diversity
Trends in job market and lifelong learning
Study skills – exploration

Tests and Forms of Assessment

Task: Summer Sport Evaluation

Standardised Test
Flow Chart: Structure SA Government

June Examination

steroid Assignment
Drug Abuse Assignment

Winter Sport Evaluation
Flexibility Assignment

Final Examination


Life Orientation – Grade 10. Liz Dilley 2005, Oxford University Press

Grade 11 Information


Personal Well-being

Goal setting
Relationships and personal well-being
Health- unsafe practices
Gender roles in society

Responsible Citizenship

Social or environmental issue – community service
Strategies- human rights violations and discrimination
Democratic principles
Contemporary moral and spiritual issues and dilemmas

Recreation and physical well-being

Personal goal setting
Self designed and modified games
Spectator and participant behaviour
Leadership roles

Study, Career Fields and Career Pathing

Career expectations
Higher education admission requirements and financial assistance
Competencies, abilities and ethics
Development of study skills, study style and study strategies

Tests and Forms of Assessment

Task Project: Safety in Sport
Case Study: Spectator and participant behaviour in Sport
Personalised Sport: Specific Exercise Programme

Standardised Test
Summer Sport Evaluation

June Examination

Personality trait analysis

Winter Sport Evaluation

Grade 11 Adventure Camp: abseiling, white-water rafting, orienteering , obstacle course, leadership and teambuilding, and raft-building

Final Examination


Shuter’s Life Orientation – Grade 11. C Gumede, H Martinuzzi, J Moore and M-A Nel.

Grade 12 Information


Personal Well-being

Stress and stress management
Relationships- peers, family, work
Ill health- human and environmental factors
Gender issues- work, culture and society

Responsible Citizenship

Community project- services offered and own contribution
Personal position re human rights violations and discrimination.
Role of media in a democratic society
Personal mission statement

Recreation and physical well-being

Health programme – personal monitoring
Sport and games – choices and long term participation
Careers in recreation, fitness and sport
Ideologies, beliefs and world views in recreation and sport

Study, Career Fields and Career Pathing

Decision-making- re job or further education
Career opportunities and entrepreneurship
Core elements of a job contract
Assessment and examination writing skills in preparation for grade 12 examinations


Ill health Case Study: Accidents, Crises and Disasters.
Case Study: Role of media in a democratic society
Standardised Test
Summer Sport Evaluation
Project: Careers in Sport Fitness or Recreation
Winter Sports Evaluation
June Examination
Job/ Study Application
Job Contract: Case Study
Final Examination


Shuter’s Life Orientation – Grade 12, D Bird, H Martinuzzi, J Moore and M-A Nel.