Tradition | Excellence | Opportunity

Founded in 1856.
The Grey Vision
Grey remains as one of the leading schools in the country, with a culture and value system that support its fine heritage.
Grey is recognised for its competitiveness and excellence in academic, sporting and cultural activities, as well as for its ability to consistently produce leaders.
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Pastoral Care

Academic Support

There is one Housemaster in charge of each Grade in Meriway House. The Housemaster is responsible for all pastoral care and academic support of the Grade of which he in charge. Regular meetings are called to discuss academic progress or problems that anyone might have. The staff member is also responsible for the signing of tests and notifying the parents should there be any signs of academic problems. Any queries from the parents must be directed to the relevant Housemaster or to the Senior Housemaster. If a student is deemed not to be giving of his best and his work is not up to standard, he may be placed on daily report by the Housemaster. This allows the Housemaster to check on daily progress of the student from each of his teachers.

Click here to see the Housemasters responsible for the various Grades.

Spiritual Care

There is a very active SCA in Meriway House and in the school. All students are encouraged to become a member of the society and regular meetings are held on Wednesday evenings after prep. Mrs Linda Carr is the master-in-charge of the SCA and Mrs Melissa Riordan who is School Counsellor/Psychologist is responsible for the pastoral and spiritual care of the students.

All students are also encouraged to attend the church of their choice on Sundays. Transport is available to all students who are interested in attending youth church on a Sunday evening from 17:45-20:00.