Tradition | Excellence | Opportunity

Founded in 1856.
The Grey Vision
Grey remains as one of the leading schools in the country, with a culture and value system that support its fine heritage.
Grey is recognised for its competitiveness and excellence in academic, sporting and cultural activities, as well as for its ability to consistently produce leaders.
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School Motto

The School Motto “Tria Juncta in Uno”, means Three Joined in One – Body, Mind and Spirit.


Grey High School prepares its students for the demands of new vistas. Initiative, enquiry and freedom of thought are encouraged, allied with academic thoroughness. Together these will mould the confident, articulate, broad-thinking school achiever of today and the innovative leader of tomorrow. Curriculum range and sound tuition provide the threads which weave the fabric of the mind, preparing the student for the challenges of the twenty-first century, ever-mindful of the rich Grey heritage he carries with him. A further aspect may be found in the cultivation of entrepreneurial thinking, cognitive skills, musical talent and the fostering of leadership attributes. These prepare the Grey student to meet the demands of a changing world and give him the foresight required for the future.


Grey believes in the value of sports, games and physical activity, for without a healthy body, the mind and spirit cannot function harmoniously. The school offers an extensive range of sporting activities designed to promote the qualities of sportsmanship, healthy competition and the forging of friendships and camaraderie within the context of fair play. The challenges provided in the sporting arena mirror those which will face the Grey student in the future. As the fine tradition of Grey sport has proved, the values learned on the sports field will benefit not only the student, but the community at large.


Academic excellence coupled with freedom of thought and respect for other cultures reflects the quality of teaching and the individual attention enjoyed by each Grey student. While independent and creative thinking are part of the intangible aspects of a Grey education, the school teaches the meaning of faith… in our Creator… in self … in family … in community… in the future. For without faith, mind and body are left incomplete. The measure of every man here shall be his desire to rise above the levels required of him.

It has also been used to refer to the partnership that exists between Grey Junior School, Grey High School and the Old Grey’s Union.

The present Rector, Mr Christian Erasmus, likes to refer to “Tria Juncta in Uno” as the partnership that exists between the staff, parents and students, or students, parents and Old Greys.

For more information about the history of the school motto, you are encouraged to read ‘The Spirit of the Tower’, by John Young, which is available from The School Shop.