Tradition | Excellence | Opportunity
Founded in 1856.

The Grey Vision
Grey remains as one of the leading schools in the country, with a culture and value system that support its fine heritage.
Grey is recognised for its competitiveness and excellence in academic, sporting and cultural activities, as well as for its ability to consistently produce leaders.
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Mountain Biking

Mrs. Suzie du Plessis
Assistant Coach:  Mr. Damien Catherine

Student Mountain Bike Committee

Chairperson: Francois De Villiers

Vice Chairperson:  Grant Garner

Members: William Wedderburn, Jared Loenen, Timothy Barnes


  • MTB was initiated in 2017 on the arrival of Mrs. Suzie du Plessis to the Grey Staff. An enthusiastic mountain biker, Mrs. Suzie du Plessis was approached by Grey boys who suggested Grey puts together a social mountain biking group.
  • Social riders were arranged on Friday afternoons and some of the riders participated in the EC Spur interschool league.
  • 2018 Grey MTB had grown in numbers as a social group and was officially recognized as a CULTURAL ACTIVITY.  A Grey Cycling shirt was manufactured which is available for both Grey High and Junior school riders.  Our team participated on mass in the annual SPUR SCHOOLS MOUNTAIN BIKE LEAGUE.  As a result of our boys commitment and dedication Grey were crowned the overall winners of the EC spur series.  7 boys were chosen to represent Grey / EC Mountain biking at the NATIONAL SPUR MOUNTAIN BIK LEAGUE COMPETITION in Magaliesburg.
  • In 2019, with continued growth, Grey MTB was moved from being recognized as a Cultural activity to a SPORT offered in Term 1, 2, 3 and 4.
  • In our short time we have grown from approximately 10 riders to over 40 enthusiastic mountain bikers at present.
  • As an official sport, the riders now have the opportunity to earn school colours.
  • In 2019 we received a sponsorship from ACTION CYCLES. Sponsorship included full cycling kit for our First team riders, mechanical support, training courses, etc.
  • In 2019 Grey High mountain bikers membership for the PEGC trails was sponsored by Brandon Els (Chairman of Rush sports). This has allowed us access to the wonderful trails which is a great track for time trials, training etc.
  • In 2019 Mill Park Conservancy cleaned up the valley at the back of the school and developed a technical track of approximately 3,5km. Grey riders have been given full access to this track for training and derby fixtures.


Mountain biking is very much a family sport.  For this reason we encourage parents to become involved in their sons mountain biking as much as possible in terms of support at events, transport to events, hosting at derbys etc.  In light of this Grey Mountain biking has grown not only as a student sport but many of our parents join the social riders on their bikes and to date two family weekends have taken place.  Much of what we have done in the last 2 ½ years is due to the commitment of the MIC, Parents and boys


Due to COVID and changes in the academic programme the training schedules are subject to change.  Training schedule will be updated via whatsapp groups and MTB notice board.

Click here to view events calendar. 

Grey MTB will be participating in the following derby fixtures:  Grey Bloem, Wynberg and Paul Roos.  We are hoping to increase the number of derby fixtures for MTB going forward


Riders are required to enter in a minimum number of additional events hosted by various associations in the Eastern Cape.  Information regarding these events will be forward to the MTB riders as the events are confirmed by the organisers.


It is an expectation that ALL registered Mountain bikers participate in the annual inter-house mountain bike event.

For the past 5 years, Grey has been extremely successful in the Spur Schools Mountain bike league.  In  2018 and 2019 the Grey MTB team won the Eastern Cape Spur league and represented the Eastern Cape at the National event held in Magaliesburg and Brits.  Unfortunately, with COVID in 2020 and 2021 the spur league did not take place.  However, we do anticipate the event starting up again in the near future.  It is an expectation that ALL registered Grey MTB riders participate in the league.


Eastern Cape Mountain biking host a number of XCO events throughout the year.  Our riders are encouraged to participate in these events.  A number of our riders have represented the EC at National level for their highly commendable performance at these events.


A number of social events are organised during the course of the year which include

  • Friday afternoon social rides. Parents and siblings are encouraged to join these rides.  Grey High also encourages the Grey Junior MTB riders to join these social rides.
  • Family weekend: This is an annual event normally held near the beginning of the year.  Riders and family members are encouraged to join this social event which allows the opportunity for the riders and parents to get to know one another better prior to entering into the MTB season.


The colours awards criteria for MTB has been implemented since 2019 with numerous Honours, Colours and Team awards being made.  A minimum requirement for an award is 100% commitment to the sport of Mountain biking in terms of training and participation in specified events.


Training takes place in term 1, 2, 3 and 4.  Dates and practice times will be conveyed to the riders at the beginning of each term.  Riders who wish to represent the school teams in derby fixtures are required to attend a minimum of TWO practice sessions a week.

Applicable when riding in any event in which a rider represents the school

  • Official Grey cycling shirt (available from school shop)
  • Official Grey cycling bib shorts (available from Action cycles)
  • Action cycles socks
  • FIRST TEAM ONLY: The official Action cycles sponsored kit.
  • No other sponsored clothing / accessories are permitted


  • Safety comes first
  • Unless no other option, boys ride on pavements or off the tar roads.
  • Ride in single file when in public areas
  • No riding around the school campus. When leaving for a ride from school, everyone rides in single file, stops at all intersections, gives way to pedestrians and vehicles.
  • No allowing NON-mountain bikers to ride your bikes at school
  • At all events GREY cycling kit must be worn.
  • Safety of your bike is your own responsibility during the day and on the ride.
  • All riders must have a repair kit i.e. bombs etc on every ride