Tradition | Excellence | Opportunity

Founded in 1856.
The Grey Vision
Grey remains as one of the leading schools in the country, with a culture and value system that support its fine heritage.
Grey is recognised for its competitiveness and excellence in academic, sporting and cultural activities, as well as for its ability to consistently produce leaders.
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Academic Colours
Colour Awards Schedule

Start of 1st Term
Academic awards for November/December examinations of the previous year.

End of 1st Term
Music awards can be considered for those Grade 11 students who achieve the standards required of them in the course of their Grade 10 year.

Start of 3rd Term
Academic awards for May/June examinations.

Mid 3rd Term
Academic awards for Matric Trial examinations.

Criteria for the Award of Academic Colours

Ranking Total
For each boy in Grades 10, 11 or 12, a ranking total shall be obtained thus:

Life Orientation ex 200
Home Languages ex 400
Additional Languages ex 300
All other subjects (5) ex 400

This gives rise, therefore, to a possible maximum of 2500 (or 2600 in the case of a boy offering two Home Languages), making it possible to rank all the learners in any one grade on the basis of academic achievement. From this ranking may be drawn the top 5 academic achievers etc.

Maximum Ranking Total

Notwithstanding the two possible maximum ranking totals of 2500 or 2600, the figure of 2500 shall be deemed to be the maximum possible in every case,
thus giving boys offering two Home Languages an advantage over those boys offering only one Home Language, as has traditionally been the case in the past.

Academic Awards

The criteria for the awarding of full Colours and of Half-Colours is based upon ranking totals as shown in the following table:

Note: The Colours Committee reserves the right to condone one or two ranking totals per learner by a maximum of twenty-six marks (in sum) in order to facilitate an award.

Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 11
Grade 12
Grade 12
Grade 12
1750 1750 1700 1700 1700 1687
Awarded on the occasion of the second achievement of the standard (not necessarily consecutive), except that the award shall nevertheless be made if the first (and only) achievement be at Grade 12 finals.
1950 1950 1900 1900 1900 1887
Awarded on the occasion of the second achievement of the standard (not necessarily consecutive), except that the award shall nevertheless be made if the first (and only) achievement be at Grade 12 finals.

Criteria for the Award of Subject Prizes at the Annual Prize-Giving

Awards are based on performances in controlled summative assessment situations, e.g. Examinations, Grade tests etc.

Policy Regarding Late Submission of Projects / Assignments

Suitable notice of due dates of projects/assignments must be given timeously to boys.

The project/assignment must be handed in on the due date at the stipulated time – even if the boy is absent on that day! Co-operation between boy and parent will be necessary here. Teachers to make boys especially aware of this clause.

The project/assignment must be handed directly to the teacher who will record that fact. It should not be left on a desk.

There will sometimes be acceptable extenuating circumstances where a project/assignment is late. Discretion should be exercised – the Director of Academics must be consulted in this regard

The project/assignment must be marked, regardless of when it is handed in, and feedback (for educational purposes) must be naturally given to the boy as would normally be the case.

However, if the project/assignment was handed in:

  • late on the due date OR one school day late – 20% of marks to be deducted (i.e. max 80%)
  • two school days late – 40% of marks to be deducted (i.e. max 60%)
  • three school days late – 60% of marks to be deducted (i.e. max 40%)
  • four school days late – 80% of marks to be deducted (i.e. max 20%)
  • five or more school days late – a token 1 mark to be awarded

If a project/assignment is not handed in on the due date (as in first asterisk above), notification of that fact must be given to the parents as soon as possible via:

  • a phone call
  • an email (a standard email can be devised and circulated) – a “read” receipt should be requested