Tradition | Excellence | Opportunity

Founded in 1856.
The Grey Vision
Grey remains as one of the leading schools in the country, with a culture and value system that support its fine heritage.
Grey is recognised for its competitiveness and excellence in academic, sporting and cultural activities, as well as for its ability to consistently produce leaders.
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Subject Head and Grade 12 Co-ordinator

Stephen van Niekerk: BA, BEd (Hons), HDE (Post Grad) (UPE)
Click here to email Stephen van Niekerk.

Grade 11 Co-ordinators
Kirsten Swarbrook: BA (Psych) (Hons) (Stell), PGCE
Click here to email Kirsten Swarbrook.

Olivia Brice: BA (UPE), PGCE (UNISA)
Click here to email Olivia Brice

Grade 10 Co-ordinators

Fenner Barnard: BA (Rhodes), PGCE (UNISA), Dip. Rugby Theory & Practice (SAIR Stellenbosch).
Click here to email Fenner Barnard.

Declan McLaggan: BEd (SFET)
Click here to email Declan McLaggan.

Grade 9 Co-ordinator
Matthew Osborne
Click here to email Matthew Osborne.

Grade 8 Co-ordinators

Jonathan van Niekerk: BA MCC (NMMU), PGCE (Cum Laude) (NMMU)
Click here to email Jonathan van Niekerk.

Lynn Furstenburg: BA (Hons) (UNISA), PGCE (UNISA), LTCL (Trinity College)
Click here to email Lynn Furstenburg.


Kendal Samuels: BEd (Sen & FET) (UNISA)
Click here to email Kendal Samuels


Sean Brice: BA (UPE), PGCE (Mancosa)

Rosco Snyman: Student

Student Teachers

Paul Leach: Student

Cameron Wilke: Student


The English curriculum prepares students for the rigours of University level reading and writing while fostering a love of literature. It uses the analysis of
literature and film and the study of language to develop cognitive skills at every level. Classroom discussion forms the primary mode of instruction, but teachers
also stress oral and written communication skills. Students are encouraged to be literate, lucid and imaginative in their own expression. The department seeks
to equip students with critical skills to engage thoughtfully and productively with literature and language in all its forms.

Brief Policy

English Home Language is compulsory for all students at the school. There is no set departmental approach regarding teaching strategies, methodologies or schools of literary or linguistic analysis; through clear but broad programmes of study, transparent working practices and following the policy of open communication, the department aims to share its enthusiasms, its skills and its expertise in an attempt to inspire all students to perform to their full potential. Though guided by (though not restricted to) the requirements of the GETC syllabi for the National Curriculum in Grades 8 and 9, and of the FET syllabi for the East Cape Education Department in the senior Grades, the department focuses particularly on developing independent study and research skills to begin to generate self-motivated and self-confident students. The department has moved away from

Homework and Assignments

For the most part, English is not taught out of a textbook, so homework may take a variety of forms, such as:

  • Completing work started in class
  • Completing worksheets handed out in class
  • Practice exercises / exam questions
  • On-going assignment work (essays, projects, investigations, presentations etc)
  • Reading

Continuous Assessment (CAPS)

Continuous Assessment (CAPS) forms an integral part of the makeup of the overall assessment of any language. Students are assessed on their performance in many different facets of the language and these assessments are cumulative and form a large part of the final assessment total. Areas covered by CAPS include Creative Writing, Functional Writing, Investigation and Presentation, Oral Communication Skills and Responding to Text (both literature and language).

Tests and Forms of Assessments

Coupled with ongoing work in both Creative and Functional Writing and with regular assessment of Oral Communication skills, students study at least one Setwork (Novel, Drama, Short Stories, Poetry or Film) per term. There are two controlled tests per term, one covering the current setwork and the other dealing with general language revision (Comprehension, Summary, Assorted language exercises).

Notes and Worksheets

Sets of notes and worksheets on various setworks are standardised and are handed out to all students in the particular grade. These should be kept on file and should be used as revision tools before tests and exams. There are workbooks covering Language, the various setwork books and poetry, which have been compiled especially for each of the grades, and these contain most of the standardised exercices which learners complete.

Additional Information

The school has an active and a vibrant Debating Society, and all students are encouraged to join this society which meets on a weekly basis and which also enjoys regular debating contact with other schools.

A select group of top students takes part in the annual English Olympiad, where students are encouraged to examine and to analyse challenging topical literature.

Grade 10 students may apply to join the Toastmasters Society, where they learn vital life lessons in the art of public speaking.

Students are encouraged to keep portfolios of their creative writing, which may be submitted for consideration in the awarding of the two Literature Prizes (Senior: Grades 10–12 and Junior: Grades 8–9) presented annually by the school.

Grade 11 learners are encouraged to join the Advanced English course in Literature which is offered in conjunction with Collegiate School for Girls.

Grade 8


Assessments required by the Revised Teaching Plan (2021 – 2023) from the Department of Education.

Term Nature of Task
TERM 1  Task 1: Oral: Prepared reading (2 pages from a novel; NOT the setwork novel) (20)
Task 2: Creative Writing: Essay – 200-250 words – Narrative / Reflective / Descriptive (30)
Functional (Transactional) writing: Email – 120-150 words
Task 3: Response to Texts: Controlled test: Comprehension (20); Visual Literacy (10); Language (20)
TERM 2  Task 1 continued: Oral: Prepared reading (2 pages from a novel; NOT the setwork novel)

Writing: Magazine project: Research project marked according to rubric

Task 4: Transactional Writing: Friendly letter/brochure/poster (10)

Task 5: Mid-year Controlled Test:
Literary/non-literary text (20 marks)

Visual text (10)

Summary (10)

Language structures and conventions (20)

TERM 3  Task 6 : Writing: Creative Writing project ) (50)

Task 7:  Prepared oral presentation of project (20)

Task 8: Literature: poetry; drama; short stories (30)

TERM 4  Task 7 continued: Prepared oral presentation of project (20)

Task 9: Writing:  Transactional writing (friendly letter/diary entry/directions/instructions) (10)

Task 10: End-of-year controlled test:
Literary/non-literary text (20)

Visual text (10)

Summary (10)

Language structures and conventions (20)

Grade 9


GRADE 9 CAPS: Assessments required by the Revised Teaching Plan (2021 – 2023) from the Department of Education.

Term Nature of Task
TERM 1 Task 1: Oral: Prepared reading aloud (20)
Task 2: Writing: Essay Narrative/Reflective (40)
Task 3: Test: Comprehension, Summary and Language (70)
TERM 2 Task 1: Continued: Prepared reading aloud (20)

Task4: Writing: Transactional (newspaper article) (20)

Task 5: Controlled Test Comprehension, Summary and Language (70)

TERM 3 Task 6 Stage 1: Project Research (20)

Task 6 Stage 2: Writing-up Project (30)

Task7: Project Oral Presentation of Project (30)

Task 8: Literature 3 genres (30)

TERM 4 Task 7: Project: Oral presentation of project continued (20)

Task 9: Writing Transactional (20)

Task 10: Controlled Test: Comprehension, Summary and Language (70)

Grade 10


Assessments required by the Revised Teaching Plan (2021 – 2023) from the Department of Education.


Term Nature of Task
TERM 1 Task 2: Writing: Transactional writing – Formal Letter
Task 1: Oral: Listening comprehension
Task 3: Oral: Unprepared speechTask 4: Controlled test: Comprehension / Summary / Language
TERM 2 Task 5: Writing: Essay

Task 6: Oral: Unprepared Reading/ prepared speech
Literature Test:

Task 7: Literature Test: Drama – Shakespeare & Novel – Guided paragraph questions;

Seen poetry;

Unseen Poetry

TERM 3 Task 8: Assignment: Assignment based on Literature

Task 9: Oral: Prepared Speech

TERM 4 Task 10: November Exams
Paper I – Language (70 Marks – 2 hours)Comprehension; Summary; Advertising; Visual                                   Literacy; Language and StructuresPaper II – Literature (80 Marks – 2.5 hours)

Romeo and Juliet/ he Mark (Essay and Contextual)

Prescribed seen poetry

Unseen poetry
Paper III – Writing (100 Marks – 3 hours)

Narrative, descriptive, argumentative essay writing

2 x Transactional Writing

Grade 11


Assessments required by the Revised Teaching Plan (2021 – 2023) from the Department of Education.


Term Nature of Task
TERM 1 Task 2: Writing: Transactional writing – Formal Letter
Task 1: Oral: Listening comprehension
Task 3: Oral: Unprepared speechTask 4: Controlled test: Comprehension / Summary / Language
TERM 2 Task 5: Writing: Essay

Task 6: Oral: Unprepared Reading/ prepared speech
Literature Test:

Task 7: Literature Test: Drama – Shakespeare & Novel – Guided paragraph questions;

Seen poetry;

Unseen Poetry

TERM 3 Task 8: Assignment: Assignment based on Literature

Task 9: Oral: Prepared Speech

TERM 4 Task 10: November Exams
Paper I – Language (70 Marks – 2 hours)Comprehension; Summary; Advertising; Visual                                   Literacy; Language and StructuresPaper II – Literature (80 Marks – 2.5 hours)

Romeo and Juliet/ he Mark (Essay and Contextual)

Prescribed seen poetry

Unseen poetry
Paper III – Writing (100 Marks – 3 hours)

Narrative, descriptive, argumentative essay writing

2 x Transactional Writing

Grade 12

Assessments required by the Revised Teaching Plan (2021 – 2023) from the Department of Education.



Term Nature of Task
TERM 1 Task 1: Oral: Listening comprehension (15)

Task 2: Writing: Essay (50)

Task 3: Writing: Transactional writing (25)
Task 4: Oral: Unprepared speech (15)

Task 5: Controlled test: Comprehension / Summary / Language (35)

TERM 2 Task 6 : Literature Assignment/essay (35)

Task 7: Oral: Unprepared Reading (10)

TERM 3 Task 8: Oral: Prepared Speech (10)


Task 9: Trial Examinations

Paper I – Language (70)

Comprehension; Summary; Advertising; Visual                                   Literacy; Language Structures

Paper 2 – Literature (80)

Prescribed seen poetry (20); Unseen poetry (10); Novel (25);        Drama (25)
Paper 3 – Writing (100)

Narrative, descriptive, argumentative essay writing

2 x Transactional

TERM 4 Task 10: November Exams
Paper I – Language (70)Comprehension; Summary; Advertising; Visual                                   Literacy; Language and StructuresPaper II – Literature (80)

Prescribed seen poetry (20); Unseen poetry (10); Novel (25);        Drama (25)

Paper III – Writing (100)

Narrative, descriptive, argumentative essay writing

2 x Transactional Writing